MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech
MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech
S2E14: The Critical Factor for Advancing in Cybersecurity with Jenna Waters
Today’s guest believes that the tech industry is still a proverbial boy’s club.
It is vital that we see more women, people of color, and nonbinary gender identities at the top. As a veteran with a background in national security and intelligence, Jenna Waters built the foundation of her career on a degree in information systems with a minor in cybersecurity, and served in threat intelligence for the US Navy, before eventually transitioning to the private sector.
Today, she is a consultant at True Digital Security, where she serves her clients at the intersection of cybersecurity, privacy, and compliance, as well as program development, threat intelligence, and cloud security. She is wary of the fact that a laundry list of qualifications often acts as an equalizer for women in an industry that isn’t evolving quickly enough.
In this episode, she shares her advice for both minorities in the tech space and their allies to advocate for themselves, speak their minds, and address the issue that cybersecurity has with diversity and inclusion. Tune in today to learn more!
Key Points From This Episode:
- More about Jenna’s background and the choices that led her to this career path.
- What a career in threat intelligence looks like and its similarities with the private sector.
- Advice for those pursuing entry-level positions in cybersecurity: advocate for yourself!
- To collect certifications or not; while it’s possible to build your career without them, Jenna believes they act as an equalizer.
- The reality that cybersecurity is a male-dominated industry that isn’t evolving quickly enough.
- Why Jenna believes it is vital that we see more women, people of color, and non-binary gender identities in leadership positions.
- Don’t be a gatekeeper, be a gate opener; advocate for other women in your industry!
- How male allies can leverage their privilege for the betterment of women in their company.
- How Jenna found her quiet confidence and her advice for speaking up and building yours.
- When you advocate for yourself, you also advocate for the next person.
- Why you shouldn’t let yourself get distracted by anger and resentment.
- Jenna shares her intentions for the future, including driving cybersecurity into the socio-economic and political sphere.
- The responsibility that companies have to create a standard that ensures everyone benefits from cybersecurity and privacy equally.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
True Digital Security on LinkedIn
Flameproof Your Career & Handle Adversity Like a Boss
Flameproof: Your Anti-Burnout Guidebook
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