MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech
MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech
S2E12: Promoting Minorities in Cybersecurity with Mary Chaney, Esq
Episode S2E14: Show Notes.
If you were looking for a candidate to head security for a major corporation, today’s guest should be on the top of your list. Technologist, attorney, former federal cybercrime investigator with the FBI, privacy leader, and the founder of a non-profit that assists Minorities in Cybersecurity, Mary Chaney Esq. is a professional who has always set the bar very high for herself! Her story of driving herself to the top of her field while overcoming challenges and bias is a uniquely inspiring one and, in this episode, she shares the details of her professional path, where it led her, and how she blazed a trail for others looking to follow in her footsteps. She also shares her insights into being a minority in corporate America and her advice for picking your battles, hunting for yourself, and viewing adversity as your greatest teacher. Tune in today to learn more from this formidable woman of color in tech!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Mary shares her professional journey and how she got into cybersecurity.
- Some of the challenges she encountered as a woman of color in corporate America.
- What sparked the decision to start her own cybersecurity and privacy law practice in Dallas.
- Learn more about Minorities in Cybersecurity, which assists minorities in the field with leadership development and opportunities.
- Mary reflects on forging her own path and always aspiring to reach the top of her field.
- How wanting more for herself allowed her to become a role model and resource for others.
- Biases in law enforcement often prevent African Americans from choosing that path and took an emotional toll on Mary.
- Sometimes, it isn’t about the fight, it’s about determining which battles you can actually win.
- The diversity and inclusion challenges she encountered in the FBI versus corporate America.
- Many corporate spaces aren’t diverse enough, which is why you sometimes have to “hunt for yourself,” as Mary puts it.
- Find out why Mary says that there are no failures, only opportunities to learn.
- The benefits of not taking yourself too seriously; all you can do is your best!
- The myriad of things you can learn about yourself when facing adversity, and you have to know yourself in order to be yourself.
- Hear about upcoming cyber security-specific workshops at Minorities in Cybersecurity.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
All STEAMed up with Mocha and Foam on Facebook
All STEAMed up with Mocha and Foam on YouTube
Flameproof: How to Flameproof Your Career and Your Life and Handle Adversity Like a Boss
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