MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech
MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech
S2E8: Growing Great Teams with the Power of Introverts with Joanna Rawbone
Do you ever feel that your skills and talents as an introvert are overlooked by your boss or colleagues? Maybe you’ve spent time trying to be more outgoing in order to fit in, only to find it exhausting and unsustainable. Well, you’re not alone!
What today’s guest calls the extraversion bias is a common phenomenon, and it’s costing businesses money. In this episode, Joanna Rawbone shares her advice for introverts who need to show up in order to contribute, be seen, or get promoted.
Joanna is an expert on introversion and what it means to flourish as an introvert and, tuning in, you’ll hear some of the differences and distinctions between introverts and extroverts, how the corporate environment doesn’t cater to introverts, and how extroverts can learn to recognize the important contributions that introverts make. Joanna also shares some tips for becoming a flourishing introvert by continually working at the edge of your comfort zone, playing to your strengths, and speaking up, as well as her advice for organizations to become more introvert-friendly. Tune in today!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Hear about Joanna’s personal journey from introvert to global change-maker and speaker.
- Shyness versus introversion and why you can’t conflate being shy into being an introvert.
- The distinction between introverts and extroverts when communicating or problem solving; think, say, think.
- How to leverage the power of introverts by being sensitive to their “recharging” needs.
- Why introverts will only speak up if they have something of value to contribute.
- The importance of continually expanding your comfort zone as a flourishing introvert.
- Learn how extroverts can recognize the contributions of introverts.
- Joanna reflects on the unconscious bias embedded in daily processes in organizations.
- Some of the frustration for ambitious introverts when their potential is going unnoticed.
- What Flourishing Introverts does to help introverts identify their strengths and own them.
- Techniques that Joanna uses with organizations, including observation and focus groups.
- The value and benefits for an organization when ensuring that all voices are heard.
- How the recruitment process could be adjusted to ensure that introvert-friendly processes like equitable tasks are built in.
- Joanna explains that it’s not about slowing down, it’s about making space.
- Hear from Joanna what the “offed-off bag” is and how she riffs from it each week.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
‘Tackling Extraversion Bias to Unlock the Potential of Introverts’
Flameproof: How to Flameproof Your Career and Your Life and Handle Adversity Like a Boss
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