MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech
MOJO Maker for Womxn in Tech
Episode #19: How to authentically handle unwanted attention, with Mitch Shepard.
"How to Authentically Handle Unwanted Attention" with Mitch Shepard.
Episode 19: Show Notes.
Today on the podcast we welcome my very good friend and coach, Mitch Shepard. Since the day her mother enrolled her in her first positive-thinking and manifestation course at the sweet age of 13, Mitch has always lived life on her own terms. From her childhood roots in middle-class Novato, California, to turning down a hard-earned job with Ernst & Young to pursue a career guiding wilderness expeditions, to leaving her position as CEO to take a 12-month sabbatical around the world, living life unconventionally has become one of her best talents.
Mitch is a regular on the corporate speaker circuit as the CEO of Humin Inc., presenting topics related to Leadership, Cultural Intelligence, Tackling Pervasive Bias in Business, Building the Habits and Behaviors of Inclusion, Dreaming Big, and Avoiding Burnout. She has spent over 20 years coaching some of the world’s top leaders and her expertise lies in helping people push beyond their perceived limitations to achieve big goals. Aside from travel, a few of her passions include the outdoors, cooking, meeting new people (in the oddest of places), and speaking truth to power. Today we dive into the topic of what to do when you become the recipient of unwanted attention, so take a listen, take some notes, and enjoy!
Key Points From This Episode:
- Mitch shares her career journey and the key insights she’s developed over the year.
- The moment Mitch she knew she had to be part of the solution for women in business.
- What led Mitch to become involved in women and culture development around gender.
- How Mitch is “Raising the floor and loosening the ceiling, simultaneously.”
- Strategies for getting your word in when you’re “one in a few.”
- The different varieties of unwanted attention and how to identify them.
- A few examples of when a compliment puts you under unwanted attention as a woman.
- Why giving guidance on how women can respond to unwanted attention.
- Mitch shares some examples of situations she experienced throughout her career.
- Why “building up the trust account,” before you make a “withdrawal” is important.
- How we gracefully find our paths to responding to situations.
- The role companies play in measuring the actual experience of the “one in few.”
- Who the responsibility should land on when these types of situations arise.
- An example of a newer generations’ response to these issues.
- Fight, flight, or freeze reactions: What’s right for you may not be right for another.
- We discuss the two part approach: In the moment and afterwards.
- Why getting safe first is important.
- How to send through comments or questions to Mitch.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Create Your Leading Edge Challenge